You can use third-party libraries to format an input. < Input placeholder = "Password" secureTextEntry = {true} / > Props # This component inherits all native TextInput props that come with a standard React Native TextInput element , along with the following: React input is a lightweight, dependency free component for building forms in React without having to think about what happens under the hood.

The first parameter is the current state of the form. along with the following: styling for view containing the label, the input and the error message, disabled styles that will be passed to the style props of the React Native TextInput (optional), styling for Input Component Container (optional), props to be passed to the React Native Text component used to display the The API documentation of the Input React component.

I figured I could do something like but it is still allowing other characters to be entered into the text box. Integration with 3rd party input libraries. Store a reference to the Input in your component by using the ref prop
We're always trying to stay compatible with the latest version of React. The isPending, isRejected and isFulfilled props are useful to add different styles to the form for different states. We can't support all older versions of React.

If you’re lost in the explanation, look at the code above again and try to read it from top to bottom. This might seem like a lot to take in at first. React. Loading inputs automatically modify the input's icon on loading state to show loading indication. Legacy API: String Refs . In the example above, Parent passes its ref callback as an inputRef prop to the CustomTextInput, and the CustomTextInput passes the same function as a special ref attribute to the .As a result, this.inputElement in Parent will be set to the DOM node corresponding to the element in the CustomTextInput. Form controls in React are a bit different from the standard HTML form controls because each input element in a React form manages the internal state behind the scene. An input field can show that it is currently loading data without an icon, too.

An input field can show that the data contains errors. Runs when the value of the input changes. An input field can show a user is currently interacting with it.

It is working, but my concern now is security, what a user passes into the input, and potential malicious entries..

Latest compatible versions: React 16 or newer: React-datepicker v2.9.4 and newer; React 15.5: React-datepicker v2.9.3; React 15.4.1: needs React-datepicker v0.40.0, newer won't work (due to react-onclickoutside dependencies) The first parameter is the state of the form after the change. React normalizes the use of many other types of input fields so that they are consumed in a very similar way. What I have been working on is a text input that narrows down