if (!onSuccess) { url: $form.attr('action'), The essay centers on the irony of these failed programs fortifying not the diets but the resentment and contempt of the Black, Chicano, Filipino, Chinese, Indian, and Samoan communities of San Francisco. All this brouhaha occurred before Wolfe’s belated attack in New York Magazine, even if posterity has tended to remember the latter. return numDays * 24 * 60; , link = document.createElement('link'); $modal.css({ setTimeout(function() {

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} “Radical chic,” as a ready-to-hand framing of such matters, proved an effective rhetorical instrument to undermine both those objectives, with consequences both short- and long-term. // FUNCTIONS // Handler for close signup button $('body').on( 'click', '.close-signup', function(){ I wonder how much he made off all that. [3], The Bernsteins' usual staff of white South Americans served the party.

// =================================================================== In this case, radical chic is a type of countersignaling whereby an elite demonstrates its strength by criticizing and advocating the dismantling of the very systems that support their status. Otherwise, fascism has fertile ground in which to grow. Recently, over at the New York Post, New Criterion editor Roger Kimball warned that media sympathy for the recent protests is merely the latest avatar of “radical chic,” little more than the privileged running interference for the criminal: “Now, in 2020, even more than in 1968, the left-liberal establishment is tripping over itself to embrace the radicals.” (Kimball also predicts, in passing, a BLM-inspired wave of terrorist bombings.). + '