This is what the web was always about, things develop and progress when they're actually good. Additionally, we will have a level property that is going to determine the depth of the tree; hence the number of elements that we want to render. // Setting observed properties here will trigger an update. This should be the goal. Tried porting a huge react code base (over 22kloc) to WC/litelement, and it wasn't easy finding a 1-1 replacement (even with libraries) for stuff like multi-layer conditional validation etc. We’ll discuss a caveat of this approach in the Or do we have it? Okay, you now think: "I will go with reactjs every time.". They are also looking for new enginers all the time and wouldn't it be efficient if the person joining your team would already know the framework lib you are using? It's definitely something to keep on the radar. /** Job interview adjustment request was ignored. Since web components are browser standards, they are as usable within react components as divs are. The web does support only html css and js. They aren't mutually exclusive technologies.


#placeholder ::slotted(*), They were released way way after react,vue or angular. One of the benefits of having so many web frameworks, it seems to me, is that we at least get to weigh the pros and cons of all of them. I just think that this sort of argument is so easy to poke holes in that it will never get consensus. And what do you rewrite it in if the sea keeps changing? Libraries on the other hand are generally focused on solving one problem and solving it well. So, properties exist on the DOM, which is the browser's JavaScript object representation of the Document, but they don't exist at all in the document's HTML markup. A LitElement factors, reads, and behaves exactly what it is - a spicy HTMLElement.

what if i would need a widget such as a date picker or a rich data table, for example? You also have the options to write your own custom getters and setters, but again…future post. I'm all for usunig and learning html before usunig reactjs or Angular! See the list of Known Issues and TODOs, below, for updates. Bold because the evergrowing garden of coding bootcamps and fast-paced web-dev schools (my dear Lambda School included) spends an inordinate amount of time creating projects and tutorials to master the hottest & latest JS frameworks with a half-life shorter than Francium. I was hyping these up at work for years, then they seemed to have faded and finally came back again gaining traction. In fact I've factored many apps with lit-html using nothing but .js files - just hit save and refresh! Although it's my opinion that web components are technically superior to React components because they are natively supported by the web browser instead of requir… I get your point about the standards being a better way to develop for the web. I think we have two different understandings of the word monopoly. If you've worked with React's JSX, you've doubtless written and composed similar templates. There are also a number of methods that you can implement in your element to affect how the lifecycle turns. Besides folks there are completely closed minded f*cks. As a million people in this thread have already said, I feel like web components and frameworks solve different problems. If you're react be react and just follow it. I do think frameworks should work to target WCs where it makes sense (isn't Vue working towards this?). I'm not sure why this argument about frameworks sucking continues all over blogs and YouTube. It has been influenced by millions of developers world wide putting it to use. Out of the box, web components, and correct me if I am wrong, do not support server-side rendering which could lead to performance and potentially SEO issues for customers down the line right? But I do see how they overlap. I'm sorry that the web is not some static unchanging thing, but it is and technology continues to evolve.

This would be the same in the education field, marketing, accounting, etc. And even worse everyone has their own opinion about how things should work.

However, having the code split out like this makes the promotion of the styles included to shared styles (those used in multiple components across your code base) very easy.
Web Components are not the same as those libraries.

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