In the early morning hours of March 18, 1990, a security guard opened a side door at the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum in Boston for two men dressed as police officers. .removeClass('slideOutDown slideOutUp') Etched in about 1633, the portrait was taken from the Dutch Room. The 10-inch tall bronze eagle that was stolen from the Gardner formed the decorative top of a flagpole to which was attached a silk flag from Napoleon’s First Regiment of Imperial Guard. var ctx = this; } We know from his other self-portraits and portraits of him by his students and other artists, that this is just what he must have looked like. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkCookies() { But if investigators have fallen short of recovering the works, a local tech company may have discovered the next best thing: using augmented reality to return the lost paintings to the museum—at least virtually. //don't run this function if the user has already triggered the modal by leaving the viewport One of the small but most arresting figures is a woman holding a large umbrella high above three women who seem to be dancing.

if ($(window).width() > 619) { ); He’s a little pudgy, a little scraggly, his hair is tousled and unkempt, and he looks very serious. setNewsletterCookie('closedSignupBar', 1); It measures just 4 inches by 6 inches (10 cm by 16 cm). Please try again later.' + '<\/style>' head.appendChild(link); function closeSignupBar() { The full skirt and pointed feet here hint at one of his favorite subjects, dancers. regex: { }

Although they tried, the thieves were unable to remove the entire flag, which was in a case screwed to the wall of the Short Gallery, so they finally settled for the finial. Please refresh the page and try again. He’s writing something. }; } + '

' 'slideOutDown': 'slideOutUp' ); return ""; $form.find('.signup-failed').show().siblings().hide(); Gardner bought the piece in 1923, and it was one of the oldest objects in the museum. // Focus on the email input box } The other two jockeys on this sketch page are harder to see because they’re upside down. }) }, Her left, gloved hand holds the glove of her naked right hand, which is resting on the arm of her chair. + '