The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of Bitcoin Insider. The 60-year-old Lahatskaya, who worked in the construction sector, said she tries to speak to riot police when she attends protests, which she has been doing almost every day for a month. Opposed to the official red and green flag of Belarus, the white-red-white flag is used as a symbol of the opposition to Lukashenko's regime. Telegram is known for supporting opposition players and political activists. The app has helped Belorussians stay in touch during a communications blackout. As Navalny remains in a coma, Russian authorities have apparently still not initiated a criminal investigation regarding the matter. During the blackout, Telegram was basically the only means of connecting to the internet, a local source told Cointelegraph. The design of the flag used between 19 September 1991 and 5 June 1995 had originally been devised by the Belarusian Democratic Republic (March to December 1918). The activist is widely known as a symbol of anti-Kremlin protests.

I have seen a lot in my life, I don’t fear anything anymore and I can’t look at what’s going on with indifference.”. The 68-year-old former sales expert said she had little interest in politics before signing up to work as an observer during the Aug. 9 election and witnessing vote-rigging. Today most of the organisations of the Belarusian diaspora and Belarusian opposition refuse to use the official Red-Green flag and represent their country with White-Red-White flag.

Ruzhenkova, a 66-year-old former cello teacher at a musical school, sees the regular protests as a “breath of fresh air.”, She denounced Lukashenko’s description of protesters as “drug addicts,” noting that his speeches demonstrate a “complete lack of culture.”. “Why should I fear – I do everything right!”.

His daughter fled the country to Ukraine with her boyfriend after they were beaten by police in the first days after the election, but Batsyan continued to attend demonstrations together with his wife. On Aug. 9, Belarus suffered major internet outages, leaving the country of about 9.5 million people without proper access to the web until early on Aug. 12. On Aug. 9, Belarus suffered major internet outages, leaving the country of about 9.5 million people without proper access to the web until early on Aug. 12. “I can’t allow the thought that Lukashenko will not step down,” she said. The flag – a red horizontal strip between two white ones – has long been seen as the symbol of the nationalist opposition to Lukashenko. Meanwhile, matters in Russian politics have been also intensifying as local opposition leader Alexei Navalny was allegedly poisoned on Aug. 20. The outages were subsequently linked to the government, but Lukashenko claimed that they were orchestrated abroad.

“I have been struggling for it for my entire life.”. Red and white have traditionally been used in state heraldry of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polis… “It will become the country’s main holiday,” he said. Major encrypted messaging app provider Telegram has expressed support for the mass protests in Belarus against sitting President Alexander Lukashenko. The app has helped Belarusians stay in touch during a communications blackout. Hryb lamented that the Belarusians have been patient with Lukashenko for too long. The authorities have barred Marachkin from having personal exhibitions and removed his paintings from the national art museum. We enabled our anti-censorship tools in Belarus so that Telegram remained available for most users there. When Belarus gained independence following the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, it adopted a version of its historic flag, which it used until 1995, a year after Lukashenko was first elected.

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