Indicators is a congressionally mandated report on the state of the U.S. science and engineering enterprise. Summary of labour market measures at a glance, Q2: 2019.....9 6. https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any Before sharing sensitive information, The site is secure. Looking for estimates of wives who earn more than their husbands? During January 1, 2020–May 18, 2020, approximately 1.3 million cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 83,000 COVID-19–associated deaths were reported in the United States (1). Labor force participation rate represents the percentage of persons in the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years and older that are employed or actively looking for work. They come from a special supplemental survey last conducted in September 2015. Your download options The Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics by educational attainment for persons age 25 and older. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for youth ages 16 to 24 by school enrollment status. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for women. This report describes the labor force characteristics and earnings patterns among the largest race and ethnicity groups living in the United States—Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics—and provides detailed data through a set of supporting tables. Labor Force Science and Engineering Labor Force NSB-2019-8 September 26, 2019 This publication is part of the Science and Engineering Indicators suite of reports. Figure 1: Median Age by Race Group Figure 2: Labor Force Participation and Employment Status of Population Aged 16 and Older by Race Group Figure 3: Civilian Unemployment Rates by Race Group Figure 4: Usual Hours Worked a Week by Employed Workers Ages 16-64 by Race Group 5: Median Household Income by Race Group An official website of the United States government (Questions to identify persons with a disability were added to the Current Population Survey (CPS) in June 2008.) By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (77 percent). Unemployment rates remained … This report details several aspects of the U.S. S&E workforce, including growth, demographic makeup, earnings, and unemployment. Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2019 Composition of the labor force. Earnings ratios are based on median annual earnings of full-time, year-round workers, 15 years old and over. For each state subgroup, we calculate the unemployment rate using the past six months of CPS data. The authors found that non-Hispanic Black adults were 60% more likely than non-Hispanic White adults to live in households with healthcare workers. These are estimates for the nation as a whole; data are not available by state. Among the race and ethnicity groups, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (67.0 percent), people of Two or More Races (66.9 percent), and Hispanics (66.1 percent) had the highest labor force participation rates, and American Indians and Alaska Natives (60.3 percent) and Blacks (62.3 percent) had the lowest rates. (Learn how we define educational attainment.) This directory refers to selected population characteristics commonly-used including race, age, income, mobility, educational attainment, home ownership, and employment status. Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Annual table: Employment status by detailed age group, sex, and race, Monthly table: Employment status by detailed age group, sex, and race, changes in the occupational and industry classification systems, Employment-population ratio and labor force participation rate by age, Frequently asked questions about data on certifications and licenses, Certification and licensing status by employment status, Employment status by certification and licensing status and selected characteristics, Certification and licensing status of the employed by selected characteristics, Certification and licensing status of the employed by industry and class of worker, Certification and licensing status of the employed by occupation, Median weekly earnings by certification and licensing status and selected characteristics, Median weekly earnings by certification and licensing status and occupation, Labor force participation rates are higher for people with professional certifications or licenses, Workers in healthcare occupations most likely to have certifications or licenses in 2015, Why This Counts: New Timely Data on Professional Certifications and Licenses, Professional certifications and occupational licenses: evidence from the Current Population Survey, Adding Questions on Certifications and Licenses to the Current Population Survey, Veterans with a service-connected disability, Current monthly data: Employment Situation news release, Labor Force Characteristics of Persons With a Disability, Persons With a Disability: Barriers to Employment, Types of Assistance, and Other Labor-Related Issues, Frequently asked questions about disability data, Retrieve historical Table A-6 data series, Labor force participation rate 20.8 percent for people with a disability in 2019, Barriers to employment for people with a disability, People with a disability more likely to request changes in workplace than those with no disability, Unemployment rate for people with a disability declines to 7.3 percent in 2019, Employment characteristics of people with a disability in 2018, Employment of people with a disability in 2018, Labor force characteristics of people with a disability, Employment of workers with a disability in 2017, Workers with a disability more concentrated in service occupations than those with no disability, Unemployment rate of people with a disability 10.5 percent in 2016, Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 17.5 percent of people with a disability employed in 2015, People with a disability less likely to have completed a bachelor's degree, Largest proportion of workers with a disability work in education and health services in 2014, Almost 60% of people with a disability age 25 and older had a high school education or less in 2013, Employment of people with disabilities in 2013, Workers with a disability more likely to be in production and transportation occupations, Labor force characteristics of persons with a disability in 2012, Barriers to employment for persons with a disability, Unemployment among persons with a disability, 2011, Employment of persons with a disability, 2011, Labor force characteristics of persons with a disability in 2010, Employment among persons with a disability by age, 2009, The development of questions on disability for the Current Population Survey, More options to retrieve historical LN data series, Employment status by educational attainment, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, Employment status by educational attainment, 72.3 percent of 2018 bachelor's degree recipients were employed in October 2018, Foreign-born workers with a bachelor's degree and higher earned more than native born in 2018, Rising educational attainment among Blacks or African Americans in the labor force, 1992 to 2018, Profile of the labor force by educational attainment, Educational attainment and occupation groups by race and ethnicity in 2014, Educational attainment, employment, and unemployment among African Americans, The job market for recent college graduates in the United States, Educational attainment of women in the labor force, 1970–2010, 4.9 percent of families had an unemployed person in 2019, a historical low, 5.2 percent of families had an unemployed person in 2018, Married mothers less likely to participate in labor force in 2017 than other moms, Employment in families with children in 2016, Husband and wife employed in 48 percent of married-couple families in 2015, Labor force participation of fathers in 2014, 80.1 percent of families had at least one employed family member in 2014, Working wives in married-couple families, 1967–2011, Proportion of families with an unemployed member decreased to 9.6 percent in 2013, Median weekly earnings by sex, marital status, and presence and age of own children under 18 in 2012, Employment characteristics of families, 2012, Families with an employed mother, 1994–2010, Employment characteristics of families, 2010, Employment and unemployment of fathers without spouses, Labor force participation rates among mothers, March 1975–2008, Labor force participation of women and mothers, 2008, Labor force participation of mothers with infants in 2008, Wives earning more than their husbands, 1967–2006, Labor force participation of mothers, 1975–2007, Unemployment levels and rates by marital status, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, Labor Force Characteristics of Foreign-Born Workers, Retrieve historical Table A-7 data series, Foreign-born workers made up 17.4 percent of labor force in 2019, Foreign-born labor force nearly half Hispanic and one-quarter Asian in 2017, Foreign-born workers made 83.1 percent of the earnings of their native-born counterparts in 2016, Foreign born more likely than native born to work in service occupations, Foreign born make up 28 percent of labor force in Pacific states, Foreign born represented 16.5 percent of the U.S. labor force in 2014, up from 14.8 percent in 2005, Earnings of foreign born were 79.9 percent of native born in 2013, Foreign-born workers in the U.S. labor force, Labor force participation rates of the foreign born and native born, 2008–2012, Education and occupations of the foreign born in 2011, Employed foreign-born and native-born persons by occupation, 2010, Unemployment rates for foreign-born workers, 2009, Unemployment and foreign-born workers, 2008, Occupations and foreign-born workers in 2007, Educational attainment of foreign born labor force, 2007, Second-generation Americans, age, and the labor force, 2005, Contact the Current Population Survey staff, Employment status by detailed age group, sex, and race, About 15 percent of workers age 65 and older had been with employer 2 years or less in 2018, More seniors working full time, 1977–2007, Labor force participation of seniors, 1948–2007, Employment status by Hispanic ethnicity and detailed ethnic group, Employment by major occupation, race, Hispanic ethnicity, and sex, Hispanic workers by detailed ethnic group, sex, and major occupation, Employment by detailed occupation, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, Employment by detailed industry, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, Employment status by race and Hispanic ethnicity, Labor Market Activity of Blacks in the United States, Black women made up 53 percent of the Black labor force in 2018, Labor market trends for American Indians and Alaska Natives, 2000–17, Labor force participation rate of Hispanics at 66.1 percent in 2017, 26.8 million Hispanics or Latinos in the U.S. labor force in 2016, Unemployment rate and employment-population ratio vary by race and ethnicity, Hispanics and Latinos in industries and occupations, Civilian labor levels for persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity by detailed ethnic group, 1990–2013, Forty-nine percent of employed Asians in management, professional, and related occupations, 2012, Racial and ethnic characteristics of the U.S. labor force in 2012, Occupational employment by race and ethnicity, 2011, Racial and ethnic characteristics of the U.S. labor force, 2011, Educational attainment and unemployment among Asians in the United States, Asians in the U.S. labor force, 2008–2010, Unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, 1975–2010, Earnings and employment by occupation, race, ethnicity, and sex, 2010, American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S. labor force, College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School and College Graduates, Employment status by school enrollment, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, 66.2 percent of 2019 high school graduates enrolled in college in October 2019, 77.6 percent of 2017 bachelor's degree recipients were employed in October 2017, Female students more likely than male students to participate in labor force in October 2017, 69.7 percent of 2016 high school graduates enrolled in college in October 2016, Students less likely to work in October 2015 than in the 1980s and 1990s, Back to school: enrollment and employment in October 2014, 38 percent of 2014 high school graduates enrolled in college were in labor force in October 2014, 65.9 percent of 2013 high school graduates enrolled in college, 48.8 percent of recent high school graduates in labor force, Labor force participation among students and nonstudents, October 2011, High school grads not enrolled in college more likely to be in the labor force, Summertime school enrollment and employment among teens, College enrollment up among 2009 high school grads, 2008 high school grads and college enrollment, Unemployment rate among recent dropouts, October 2007, Recent high school graduates and labor force participation, October 2007, Veteran status by period of service and sex, Employment status of persons 18 years and over by veteran status, age, and sex, Unemployment rate 5.5 percent in 2019 for Gulf War-era II veterans with a disability, Management, professional, and related occupations most common among veterans and nonveterans, Labor force participation rate 73.5 percent in 2018 for Gulf War-era II veterans with a disability, Alaska had highest share of veterans in labor force among states in 2017, 31 percent of employed veterans with a disability worked in government in August 2016, 43.3 percent of veterans with a service-connected disability were employed in August 2015, Unemployment rate for Gulf War-era II veterans 5.8 percent in 2015, Employment of veterans by occupation, 2014, Veteran unemployment rate decreases to 5.3 percent in 2014, Employment and unemployment among all veterans, Gulf-War era II veterans, and nonveterans, Women veterans ages 25 to 34 had unemployment rate of 9.8 percent in 2013, U.S. military veterans and nonveterans in the labor force, 2013, Unemployment rate for veterans edges down in 2013, Unemployment among veterans declines in 2012, Veterans in the civilian labor force, 2011, Disabled veterans and the labor force, August 2009, Labor force participation in 2008 of veterans of World War II, Korean War, or Vietnam era, Unemployment in 2008 and veterans who served since September 2001, January 2014 weighting change on labor force estimates for veterans, Revised Data from the August 1995 Vietnam Veterans Survey, Corporation for National and Community Service, Volunteer rate down slightly for the year ending in September 2015, Volunteering rate at 25.4 percent for year ending September 2013, Volunteering on the rise: September 2008–September 2009, Most frequent volunteer activities, 2008: fundraising, tutoring, and teaching, Employment by detailed occupation and sex, Percentage of employed women working full time little changed over past 5 decades, Women's and men's earnings by age in 2016, 39 percent of managers in 2015 were women, Educational attainment and earnings of women, Women as a percent of total employed in selected occupations, 2011, Women's earnings and employment by industry, 2009, Women's-to-men's earnings ratio by age, 2009, Summer Employment and Unemployment Among Youth, College Enrollment and Work Activity of High School Graduates, 46.7 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds employed in July 2020, down 9.5 percentage points from July 2019, Youth labor force participation rate at 61.8 percent in July 2019, a 9-year high, 55.0 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds employed in July 2018, Youth unemployment rate, 11.5 percent; employment-population ratio, 53.2 percent in July 2016, Youth employment and unemployment, July 2014, Youth labor force participation rate in July 2013 same as a year earlier, Youth unemployment and employment in July 2010, Youth unemployment and employment in July 2009, Summer 2008 labor force participation of youth, The early 2000s: a period of declining teen summer employment rates (May 2010) (, Record unemployment among older workers does not keep them out of the job market (March 2010) (, Trends in labor force participation in the United States (October 2006) (, Looking for Foreign Labor Certification (hiring foreign workers for employment in the U.S.)? Population & Household Estimates: Population estimates directory holds the intercensal population estimates data for New Jersey, metropolitan areas, counties and municipalities. Please direct inquiries about newer data to AmeriCorps Staff. While we did not publish a full report on unemployment rates for the second quarter of 2019… For the second year in a row, employment fell more sharply for Blacks and Hispanics than for Whites and Asians. The last volunteer supplement and associated BLS news release reflected data collected in September 2015. Contact LAUS staff for state or city data. Labour market status (employment, unemployment and inactivity) by ethnic group. See also Women, including additional tables on parents, families, and marital status in the annual report on Women in the Labor Force: A Databook. Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity, 2012. Labor Force Trends 1 Unemployment Facts 2 Nonfarm Employment 5 Hours and Earnings 7 Industry Employment 8 Regional and County 10 Unemployment Rates 12 U.I. ... Employment and Labor Force Characteristics for Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Married Householders and their Spouses: 2019 3-14 Total and skilled technical workforce age 25 and older, by gender, race, ethnicity, and foreign born: 2017 43 3-15 Employment of the skilled technical workforce, by major industry: May 2017 45 3-16 47 Racial and ethnic distribution of employed female scientists and engineers in S&E occupations and with S&E highest degrees: 1995 and 2017 Find the most recent annual averages for selected labor force characteristics. See also Age and School Enrollment. Contact the Current Population Survey staff to obtain these data. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2017” (Washington: 2018), available at Composition of the labor force By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (78 percent). Yet even at exceptionally low rates of unemployment, outcomes vary significantly by race and level of education. See also Earnings by Demographics. The rates were highest for Blacks (13.8 percent) and for American Indians and Alaska Natives (12.3 percent) and lowest for Asians (5.9 percent) and for Whites (7.2 percent). See also Families and marital status and Earnings by demographics. This page contains information about national labor force statistics with demographic characteristics available from the Current Population Survey (CPS). See also Age. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for whites, blacks or African Americans, Asians, and persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. It is usually updated four times a year in February, May, August and November. Asian and … See the, People with a disability in 2012: a visual essay (April 2013) (, Working paper: Discussion and presentation of the disability test results from the Current Population Survey (August 2006) - testing disability questions in the February 2006 CPS Beginning with data for January 2014, estimates for veterans incorporate updated weighting procedures that more accurately Introduction .....1 2. American Indians and Alaska Natives made up 1 percent of the labor force, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders consisted of less than 1 percent. Scroll to Top. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics by single year of age for persons age 55 and older are available on request. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for persons with or without a disability. (, The diversity of Hispanics in the U.S. work force (August 1993) (, The growing presence of Hispanics in the U.S. work force (August, 1988) (, CPS questions on race and Hispanic ethnicity were revised in 2003 (, Youth enrollment and employment during the school year (February 2008) (, Employment characteristics of Gulf War-era II veterans in 2006: a visual essay (, Employment and earnings of recent veterans: data from the CPS (July 2010) (, BLS Deputy Commissioner's Statement on Veterans' Employment (April 2010) Posted by neocaablogger on August 24, 2010. (Learn how we define race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.) People of two or more races are not included beginning 2002. information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Beginning with data for January 2013, estimates for veterans incorporate population controls derived from an updated Department of Veterans Affairs population model. NOTICE  In 2018, Canada’s population included more Special notices and technical documentation: Volunteering in the United States, 2005: a visual essay (, Article: Volunteerism in the United States (August 2003) (, Annual report: Highlights of Women's Earnings, Annual report: Women in the Labor Force: A Databook, Women at work: a visual essay (October 2003) (, Women still underrepresented among highest earners (March 2006) (, The labor force experience of women from 'Generation X' (March 2002) (, Declining teen labor force participation (September 2002) (, Trends in Youth Employment: Data from the CPS; Report on the Youth Labor Force (November 2000) (. In the third quarter of 2019, African American workers had the highest unemployment rate nationally, at 6.0%, followed by Hispanic workers (at 4.1%), white workers (at 3.1%), and Asian workers (at 2.6%).1 This report provides a state-by-state breakdown of unemployment rates by race and ethnicity and racial/ethnic unemployment rate gaps for the third quarter of 2019. (, Working paper: Designing questions to identify people with disabilities in labor force surveys (August 2005) - early development work on disability questions for the CPS Data on the labor force characteristics of employed and unemployed persons, plus hours of work and earnings, also are available. Questions to identify persons with professional certifications and licenses were added to the Current Population Survey (CPS) in January 2015. Labour market status (employment, unemployment and inactivity) by ethnic group. Demographic Characteristics (CPS) - Bureau of Labor Statistics The Special Counsel’s Report: Can Congress Get It? NOTE: Limited historical data are available for these tables due to changes in the occupational and industry classification systems that affect comparability over time. This blog serves as a current awareness resource for recently published federal and Wisconsin government publications. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2019: Table 7. More Annual Demographic Profile 2010 to 2020 US Jobs and Employment projections by race, ethnic groups and by age. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for youth ages 16 to 24. ... “Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2019: Table 8. Frequently Used Sites Related to U.S. Government Information. The .gov means it's official. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics for persons with or without certifications and licenses—credentials that demonstrate a level of skill or knowledge needed to perform a specific type of job. Youth labor force participation rate at 61.8 percent in July 2019, a 9-year high (August 2019) 55.0 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds employed in July 2018 (August 2018) Summer youth labor force in July 2017 (August 2017) These estimates are sourced from the Labour Force Survey, a survey of households. It is policy relevant and policy neutral. Between June 2017 and June 2018, Canada’s estimated population growth rate was higher than that of any other Group of 7 (G7)1 nation, and was twice that of the United States, which had the second-highest growth rate.2 As of July 1, 2018, women represented slightly more than half (50.3%) of Canada’s total population (37,058,856).3 1. Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity, 2014 I n 2014, the overall unemployment rate for the United States was 6.2 percent; however, the rate varied across race and ethnicity groups. Labor force status of families: a visual essay (July/August 2007) (, Article: Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants (February 2007) (, Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay (, Labor force characteristics of second-generation Americans (September 2006) (, The role of foreign-born workers in the US economy (May 2002) (, Looking for Foreign Labor Certification (hiring foreign-born workers for employment in the U.S., including H-1B visas)? As of the 2016 Census, 68.6% of people of colour aged 25–64 have a postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree—compared to 64.8% of the general population.16 1. Blacks and Asians... Labor force participation. Have You or a Family Member Had Colon Cancer? In 2012, the unemployment rate for the United States was 8.1 percent; however, the rate varied across race and ethnicity groups. Program Data 16 D.I. The U.S. job market continued to deteriorate in 2009, and all major race and ethnicity groups continued to experience labor market difficulties. Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarter 2: 2019 Contents Page 1. See also Earnings, and other data by occupation and industry. In the first quarter of 2019, African American workers had the highest unemployment rate nationally, at 6.7%, followed by Hispanic workers (at 4.7%) and Asian and white workers (both at 3.1%).1 This report provides a state-by-state breakdown of unemployment rates by race and ethnicity and racial/ethnic unemployment rate gaps for the first quarter of 2019. Blacks and Asians constituted an additional 13 percent and 6 percent, respectively. They are followed by Hispanic Americans, who have had unemployment rates two to four percentage points lower than that of Black Americans. It is usually updated four times a year in February, May, August and November. Over two-thirds of women of colour (69.2%) and men of colour (67.8%) have a postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree.17 More than two in five (42.0%) Canadians of color have a university certificate, diploma or degree at the bachelor level or above—compared to only 28.5% of the general population.18 1. Danyelle Solomon is the vice president for Race and Ethnicity Policy at the Center ... (last accessed June 2019). reflect the current demographic composition of the veteran population. Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity, 2009. Labor force and earnings data are presented by sex, age, race and Hispanic origin, and parental status when available. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics by age group. Labor force, employment, and unemployment statistics by foreign- and native-born status (nativity). These statistics reflect persons who volunteered through or for an organization. (, The lack of a disability measure in today's Current Population Survey (June 2001) (, Database: Retrieve historical data series, Recent college graduates in the U.S. labor force: data from the Current Population Survey (February 2013) (, Measuring education in the Current Population Survey (September 1993) (. Less than half of women of colour (41.8… We then calculate the ratio of this subgroup rate to the state unemployment rate using the same period of CPS data. See also Older workers and Youth. Women 's earnings each state subgroup, we calculate the unemployment rate the. Science and engineering enterprise the comparability of historical data has been affected at various times methodological! Of the labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2019: Table 7 and transmitted securely the... 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