Central to misconduct allegations was the issue of high codeine levels in Elvis at the time of death -- codeine being the prime toxicological suspect as the pharmaceutical contributor. The Rock 'n' roll legend changed the world of music, but he has another important legacy that's less well-known — without his assistance, the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor might not exist. Incidentally, the autopsy and toxicology reports are the property of the Presley estate and are sealed from public view until 2027 -- 50 years after Elvis's death. Dr. Within a few minutes, the ambulance neared Graceland. Torrent was convinced there were other contributing factors leading to Elvis's death. Forty years after the untimely death, August 16, 1977 the secrets surrounding Elvis’ grave site is still to be laid to rest. Initial reports put Elvis's death down to heart disease, only for this to become a drug-induced heart attack after toxicology. But on August 16, 1977, his life came to a shocking end. heart failure. Cause of Death-- Heart attack. He was a music legend. Many expressed genuine, open sorrow over his death. Torrent's observations -- and all the facts compiled from forty years -- if I were the coroner completing Elvis Presley's death certificate today, I'd write it like this: Examples are cause being a ruptured aorta with means being a motor vehicle crash, or cause being massive cerebral interruption with means being gunshot wound to the head. The King of Rock and Roll was dead and there was no other king to take his place. Elvis Presley, the first and greatest American rock-and-roll star, died yesterday at the age of 42. Grandson of Elvis Presley has died at age 27, agent says. Place of Death -- 3754 Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee. He announced that early tests indicated Presley’s cause of death was a cardiac arrhythmia due to undetermined heartbeat, i.e. In March 1957, The King bought the famous residence. Torrent had access to all of Elvis Presley's medical records, including the autopsy and toxicology reports. There's no one to blame -- certainly not Elvis. Today, TBI is a recognized health issue in professional contact sports. Elvis Presley's harrowing death - from 4-month poo stuck in gut to 'accidents' on stage Millions of music lovers wept across the world when the news that Elvis Presley, the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, had died at the tender age of 42 in August 1977. His only known medical ailment was slightly high blood pressure, presumably due to his high-fat diet. Elvis was in terrible health. Codeine was present at a level approximately 10 times those concentrations found therapeutically. Elvis presley - Elvis death. From time to time, the mansion’s owner has also sped away in an ambulance to receive emergency medical treatment. Cause is the actual event. It will remain sealed until 2027, fifty years after The King's death. The jury agreed with the doctor’s rationale and absolved him of negligence in causing Presley’s death. Let's look at the evidence in Elvis Presley's death. However, his questionable medical practice caught up with him and in 1995, the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners permanently suspended his medical license for overprescribing drugs to his patients. No one ever claimed it was suicide or homicide. There's no specific negligence on anyone's part and definitely no cover-up or conspiracy of a criminal act. He was 27. When the paramedics arrived, he was cold, blue, and had no vital signs. Info. While the “Jailhouse Rock” and “Hound Dog” singer was breaking hearts of fans around the country, his manager was pulling the strings — and controlling the purse strings. In 1967, Elvis came under the primary care of Dr. George Nichopoulos who was well-known to celebrities. It took several men to lift Presley onto the stretcher. Photo: Shepard Sherbell/Corbis/Getty Images, The Death of Elvis Presley, August 16, 1977. Under heavy guard, a simple ceremony was conducted. The son of Lisa Marie Presley has died. Shopping. Dr. Elvis Presley was found dead on the floor of the bathroom at his Graceland estate (Image: Michael Ochs Archives) The singer was also on a cocktail … His stepmother made her comments as a week-long observance of the 10th anniversary of Presley's death got under way … Share. Musician and actor Elvis Presley rose to fame in the mid-1950s — on the radio, TV and the silver screen — and is one of the biggest names in rock 'n' roll history. Elvis Presley's death was ruled a natural event -- thought at the time as being an acute cardiac event from existing cardiovascular disease. Elvis Presley has been called the World’s Greatest Entertainer. Checking for vital signs, the medics detected no pulse and no response to light from his pupils. For a time, most people accepted this finding. With equipment in hand, they rushed up the stairs to the bathroom where they encountered nearly a dozen people huddled over a man in his pajamas, lying prostrate on his back. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi and had a twin brother who died at birth. President Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley meet in the Oval Office of the White House in 1970. The death of the “King of Rock and Roll” brought legions of mourning fans to … Initially, they didn’t recognize the victim, but then noticed the thick, graying sideburns and the large medallion around the neck and realized it was Elvis Presley. The medics quickly moved in. During the hearings, Dr. Nichophoulos admitted to writing the prescriptions. Not only had Dr. Francisco presumed to speak for the hospital, but his conclusion did not match their findings, which was that they hadn’t made a conclusion as to the cause of death but believed drug addiction was a probable cause. Copy link. This started accusations of a cover-up and suggesting conspiracy theories of a sinister criminal act. He became hopelessly addicted to pain killers, practiced a terribly unhealthy diet and lethargic lifestyle, and resorted to the typical addict's habit of sneaking a fix wherever he could. The death of Elvis Presley took the world by storm. From humble Mississippi roots to becoming a global superstar, Elvis always kept his family close. He was a severely injured and ill man. After all, President Richard Nixon had met with Elvis and given him a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. The news headlines presented a surreal impression of what was almost an alternative universe: It almost seemed unbelievable. For more fascinating information about Elvis Presley, see: Elvis was knocked unconscious and had to be hospitalized. Elvis Presley died Aug. 16, 1977. Homicide Elvis Presley conspiracy theorists claim a secret recording proves the King of Rock and Roll faked his own death. Crowds had gathered early that day and quickly grew to an estimated 100,000. They quickly prepped him for transport. Here is a look at the events surrounding this important chapter in U.S. history and the women who made change happen. Elvis Presley faked his Own Death. The world felt changed with the electric King of Rock and Roll no longer around. His defense was because Elvis was so wired on pain killers, he prescribed these medications to keep Elvis away from dangerous street drugs, thereby controlling Elvis's addiction -- addiction being a disease. Doctor Nick, as Nichopoulos was called, stayed as Elvis's personal physician till the end and was present at the death scene, as well as during the autopsy. Mr. Presley, whose throaty baritone and blatant sexuality redefined popular music, was found unconscious in the bedroom of his home, called Graceland, in Memphis yesterday at 2:30 P.M. Elvis was found on his bathroom floor, face down in front of the toilet. Others were more upbeat, almost festive, and eager to be part of the cultural history. He was obese, almost bloated. Medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco took control as spokesperson for the autopsy team, even though he had only witnessed the procedure. Cause of Death -- Heart attack. Elvis Presley suddenly dropped in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion on the afternoon of August 16, 1977. It was established that Elvis obtained codeine pills from a dentist the day before his death and Doctor Nick had no knowledge of it. The world went into mourning on August 16, 1977, when the King of Rock 'n' Roll died at the age of 42. What did they say it was? Dr. Others just accepted the story as another drug-related death of a rock and roll star. See the next section to learn more about the death of Elvis Presley. A heart attack? He was only 42. Because the tox report appeared to contradict the autopsy report's stated cardiac cause of death, a prominent toxicologist was asked to review the findings. Means is the method in which death happened. . Tap to unmute. After the autopsy, Elvis’s body was released to the funeral home. He was 42 at the time of death. This was unknown in 1967 and Elvis went untreated. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Elvis's identical twin brother, Jesse Garon Presley, was delivered 35 minutes before him, stillborn. His cause of death was ruled as a heart attack. The Tennessee Board of Health began an investigation into Presley’s death and initiated proceedings against Dr. “Nick.”. Torrent was intrigued by the sudden change in Elvis starting in 1967 and discovered that while in Los Angeles filming the movie Clambake, Elvis tripped over an electrical cord, fell, and cracked his head on the edge of a porcelain bathtub. Elvis Presley's grandson Benjamin Keough has died, a representative for his mother, Lisa Marie Presley, said. Toxicology tested positive for 10 separate prescription medications but showed negative for illicit drugs and alcohol. July 13, 2020, 1:33 AM • 1 min read. When the toxicology report was released, it came with a qualifier: Diazepam, methaqualone, phenobarbital, ethchlorvynol, and ethinamate are below or within their respective ranges. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, was formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution. (There’s a photo to prove it.) Over his remaining years, Elvis was seen by a number of different doctors and was hospitalized a number of times, all the while resorting to self- medication with a wide assortment of drugs from dozens of sources. He suffered from an enlarged heart which was twice the size of normal and showed evidence of advanced cardiovascular disease in his coronary vessels, aorta, and cerebral arteries -- certainly more advanced than a normal 42-year-old would be. The Tennessee Board of Health then began an investigation into Elvis's death which resulted in proceedings against Doctor Nick. Identity of Deceased -- Elvis Aaron Presley. In his defense, he claimed that Elvis was so addicted to pain killers that he prescribed the medications to keep Elvis away from dangerous and illegal street drugs, trying to control his addiction. Recall that I used the term antecedent, like all coroners do when assessing a cause of death. There are five universal classifications: Elvis presley - Elvis death - YouTube. The scene wasn't photographed, nor preserved, and there was no accounting for what medications or other drugs might have been present at Graceland. Suicide ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. News report from Mutual News on the death of Elvis PresleyALL COMMENTS MUST BE ON TOPIC. Right in the midst of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s reign, he was called to serve his country. The book reached Number 8 on the New York Times Bestseller List. Early news reports were short, incomplete and confused. At first, it was said he died of a heart attack. He was 42. Torrent found three other incidents where Elvis suffered head blows and he suspected Elvis suffered from what's now known as Traumatic Brain Injury -- TBI -- and that's what caused progressive ailments which led to his death. Many pointed to prescription drug use contributing to his death, but now new evidence is being revealed. The death of Elvis Presley came with a shock and sadness, one hot summer day–August 16th, 1977. Physical evidence indicated possible, long-term use of drugs, but toxicology tests would have to confirm that. Elvis's grave at the family plot on the Graceland property. Torrent builds a theory that Elvis's bathtub head injury was so severe that it caused brain tissue to be jarred loose and leak into his general blood circulation. This is now known to be a leading cause of autoimmune disorder which causes a breakdown of other organs. Rigor mortis had not set in so he'd probably expired within the hour. On August 16, 1977, at the tender age of 42, Elvis was found dead by his girlfriend Ginger, who discovered his body on the bathroom floor of his Graceland home, per … Once this information about Elvis's death was released, Vernon Presley, Elvis' father, had the complete autopsy report sealed. How the cause of death changed from heart attack to prescription-drug poisoning typifies the pattern of a celebrity’s fall from grace. The last stop away from Graceland that Elvis Presley made on that night of August 15-16, 1977, was to Dr. Hoffman’s office to have his teeth cleaned and a cavity filled. Many a celebrity is subject to a reversal of fortune with an untimely death. That’s unbelievable! Memphis, TN: Flower be-decked casket of singer Elvis Presley is carried into mausoleum at Forest Hill Cemetery. Watch later. His weight was estimated at 350 pounds and he was virtually non-functional at the end, being mostly bed-ridden and requiring permanent nursing care. Dr. A highly skilled team of nine doctors, headed by the hospital’s chief of pathology, Dr. E. Eric Muirhead, would conduct the autopsy. President Jimmy Carter himself made a statement, declaring that the singer had “permanently changed the face of American popular culture.” Meanwhile, nearly 100,000 stunned mourners showed up for his funeral procession. Really? The Oscar- and Grammy-winning entertainer, known for her surprising performances, still regrets turning down the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. There was no suggestion of suicide or foul play so there was no police investigation. Later reports blamed a massive drug overdose. But what was unmistakably clear on the afternoon of August 16, 1977, was that Presley, the “greatest rock and roll performer in the world” had died. Going back to January 1975, the count was 19,012. This compiles the totality of evidence. After his final concert performance, Elvis Presley continued to decline over the next few weeks at Graceland. Elvis Presley was at his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, resting between concert appearances. Means of Death-- Chronic heart disease. Dr. Francisco went on to say that determining the official cause of death would take days or even weeks, but that drugs were absolutely not a factor and that there was no evidence of drug abuse, which most people at the time believed meant illegal street drugs. It was not made clear at the time why he didn’t say Methodist South Hospital, which was only 5 minutes away. At 8:00 p.m. that same day, a press conference was held. Elvis Presley was the King of Rock and Roll. Elvis Presley’s death left a gaping hole in the fabric of rock ’n’ roll history back in 1977. He was rushed to Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, pronounced dead, then shipped to the morgue and autopsied the same afternoon. Pushing 40 years after, modern medicine and forensics took a new look at the Presley case facts and indicated that something entirely different from a heart attack or a drug overdose really killed the King of Rock & Roll. Last Photo Picture of Elvis Presley Dr. Lester Hofman, Elvis’ dentist, died Tuesday, 10 January, at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis. One of the defense witnesses was Dr. Forest Torrent, a prominent California physician and a pioneer in the use of opiates in pain treatment who explained how the effects this level of codeine would have contributed to Elvis's death. The news headlines presented a surreal impression of what was almost an alternative universe: “ELVIS … During the hearings, evidence was presented that Dr. Nichopoulos had written prescriptions for more than 8,000 doses of medication since 1975 and that the pattern had been escalating since then. At 2:33 p.m., a call came into Memphis Fire Station No. Doctor Nick admitted to this. Evidence showed that during the seven and a half months preceding Elvis's death -- from January 1, 1977, to August 16, 1977 -- Doctor Nick wrote prescriptions for Elvis for at least 8,805 pills, tablets, vials, and injectables. It was apparent he'd instantly collapsed from a sitting position and there was no sign of a distress struggle or attempt to summon help. Place of Death-- 3754 Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee. Time of Death -- Approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16th, 1977. Side effects are chronic pain, irrational behavior, and severe bodily changes such as obesity and enlarged organs like hearts and bowels. Ambulance Unit No. His official cause of death was listed as cardiac arrhythmia. 29 indicating that someone at 3754 Elvis Presley Boulevard was having difficulty breathing. If the coroner determined Elvis died from a drug overdose, the ruling would have been accidental. How could this be? But Dr. “Nick” knew the staff at Baptist Hospital was discrete. In preparation for Doctor Nick's trial, Dr. Doctor Nick concurred with the coroner's conclusion that the cause of death was a natural cardiac event resulting from an arrhythmia, or sudden interruption of heartbeat, and agreed that Elvis's death was not due to a drug overdose. He was transported by ambulance to Baptist Memorial Hospital where a vain attempt at resuscitation occurred because "he was Elvis". Undetermined. The drugs included uppers, downers, and powerful painkillers such as Dilaudid, Quaalude, Percodan, Demerol, and Cocaine Hydrochloride in quantities more appropriate for those terminally ill with cancer. Photo: Tom Wargacki/WireImage/Getty Images. Garry Rodgers is a retired homicide detective and forensic coroner, now bestselling crime writer. At the hospital, emergency personnel made valiant efforts to revive Presley, but without success. They saw evidence that Presley was chronically ill with diabetes and constipation. Sometime near 2:30 p.m., his girlfriend, Ginger Alden, found him lying face down on the floor of his spacious bathroom. His lungs showed signs of emphysema, although he'd never smoked, and his bowel was found to be twice the length of normal with an impacted stool estimated to be four months old. Later Elvis Presley’s coffin was exhumed and brought to … Present were Elvis’ former wife Priscilla, and his daughter Lisa Marie, his father Vernon, and Minnie Mae Presley, Elvis' paternal grandmother. We just saw him on TV performing from Vegas. Exactly what caused Elvis Presley’s death remains shrouded in mystery. She also wrote a follow-up book called the Elvis Files in 1990. Though they ended up divorced, Priscilla has continued to call the King of Rock 'n' Roll "the love of my life.". The jury bought it and Doctor Nick was absolved of negligence in directly causing Elvis Presley's fatal event. Means of Death -- Chronic heart disease. The unbalanced distribution of weight made navigation difficult around corners and down the stairs. 29 at 2:33 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 1977. All that was once good about the person now becomes bad. Dr. But he was found to have a wide variety of drugs in his system including amphetamines, barbiturates, and opiates. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. Natural Cause of Death -- Cardiac arrhythmia antecedent to hypertensive cardiovascular disease with atherosclerotic heart disease antecedent to polypharmacy antecedent to autoimmune inflammatory disorder antecedent to traumatic brain injury. There's a distinct difference between Cause of Death and Means of Death. However, toxicology results soon identified several pharmaceutical drugs in Elvis's system with codeine being ten times the therapeutic level. Presley became close to both parents and formed an especially close bond with his mother. Elvis Presley's funeral cortege in Memphis, Tennessee on August 18 1977. Therefore, I'd have to classify Elvis's death as an accident. Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi to Vernon Elvis (April 10, 1916 – June 26, 1979) and Gladys Love (née Smith; April 25, 1912 – August 14, 1958) Presley in a two-room shotgun house that his father built for the occasion. Fans cite this lack of a straightforward answer as evidence there was something fishy going on with the King. Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. In view of the polypharmacy aspects, this case must be looked at in terms of the cumulative pharmacological effect of the drugs identified by the report. Another principle of death investigation is examining the triangle of Scene -- Body -- History. Time of Death -- Approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 1977. After Elvis died, thousands of fans traveled to Memphis, causing traffic jams and other problems. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. The vehicle made a hard left through the opened iron gates and up the curved driveway to the white-columned portico. 6 sped out of the station and headed south. By The Associated Press. Due to the extreme temperatures that day, the showing was cut short for fear the heat and humidity would disfigure Elvis’ body. In his 20-plus years as celebrity entertainer, Elvis Presley had become a defining force of the times. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. Hospital officials understood that their actions over the next few hours would be crucially important in preparing an official announcement. Together, all this information points to a conclusion that, whatever tolerance the deceased may have acquired to the many drugs found in his system, the strong probability is that these drugs were the major contribution to his demise. Given Dr. Place of Death -- 3754 Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee. Elvis also suffered from hypogammaglobulinemia which is a genetic immune disorder, as well as showed evidence of an autoimmune inflammatory disorder. Elvis's cause of death was debated for years after his death, with accounts rife with inconsistencies. During the procedure, doctors found no signs of stroke, heart failure, or lung disease. But Presley’s own stepbrother, David Stanley, is convinced that The King’s death … With a change in mental state and suffering chronic pain, Elvis Presley entered a 10-year spiral towards death. He had been on the toilet but had fallen off onto the floor, where he lay in a pool of his own vomit. Presley died on August 16, 1977, at his home of Graceland, in Memphis, Tennessee. Elvis actually died a death that is quite common, albeit an embarrassing one. He was declared dead at 3:16 p.m. and was shipped to the morgue where an autopsy was promptly performed. In 1980, Dr. Nichophoulos was indicted again for overprescribing drugs to Presley and singer Jerry Lee Lewis, but was acquitted. He died on August 16, 1977 under questionable circumstances. Hindsight being twenty-twenty, let's first look at how death investigations should be conducted. Updated September 24, 2018 Elvis Presley died on Aug. 16, 1977, in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. Rock and roll singer Elvis Presley's body is transported in a hearse in a funeral procession on August 17, … Perhaps one of the most outspoken (though not one of the first) proponents of the death of Elvis Presley is Gail Brewer-Giorgio, who wrote a book titled Is Elvis Alive in 1988. The Death of Elvis Presley, August 16, 1977. Also in 1967, Elvis's health took a sudden turn with progressive chronic pain, insomnia, hypertension, lethargy, irrational behavior, and immense weight gain. Part of HuffPost Science. Once the facts are known, it's the coroner's duty to classify the Manner of Death. On August 18, 1977 a funeral procession of 17 white Cadillacs and a hearse carrying the body of of the “King of Rock and Roll” slowly made its way from Graceland to Forrest Hill Cemetery. The call came to Memphis Fire Station No. Several celebrities, including Chet Atkins, Ann-Margret, Caroline Kennedy, James Brown, Sammy Davis, Jr. and of course Colonel Tom Parker, who had guided and gilded Presley’s career from the start. Garry lives on Vancouver Island on Canada's west coast and hosts the popular blog DyingWords. These numbers might defy belief, but they came from an experienced team of investigators who visited 153 pharmacies and spent 1,090 hours going through 6,570,175 prescriptions and then, with the aid of two secretaries, spent another 1,120 hours organizing the evidence. (Coroners are not to assign blame.) And, he died too soon. One principle of death investigation is to look for antecedent evidence -- preexisting conditions which contributed to the death mechanism or was responsible for causing or continuing a chain of events that led to the death. Dr. Muirhead and the other members of the autopsy team were stunned. Means of Death -- Cumulative Head Trauma. Coroners are the judge of death and it's their responsibility to establish five main facts surrounding a death. Elvis was laid to rest in a mausoleum alongside his mother, Gladys. This led to early coronary vascular disease and, combined with his escalating weight and pill consumption, Elvis had a heart to explode. Accidental It was mid-August, 1977. On August 17, 1977, the doors of Graceland were opened for public viewing of “The King’s” body and Presley instantly passed from music legend to cultural icon. Virtues give way to vices. Popular music icon Elvis Presley dies in Memphis, Tennessee. But the toxicology report that came out weeks later revealed high levels of pharmaceutical painkillers such as Dilaudid, Quaalude, Percodan, Demerol, and codeine in Elvis’s body. The family attended an Assembly of Godchurch, where he found … © 2021 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. Though Presley’s cause of death was originally claimed to be a heart attack, later toxicology reports identified high levels of several pharmaceutical drugs in his system. Elvis at his mother grave at Forest Hill Originally Elvis was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery In Memphis. Character takes a back seat to calamity. Three days later, the coroner issued Elvis's death certificate stating the cause as "hypertensive cardiovascular disease with atherosclerotic heart disease" -- an arrhythmia, or heart attack for short. One of Presley’s bodyguards allowed the two medics to enter the mansion. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. His skin was dark blue and cold to the touch. While not a routine trip, local ambulances had made numerous visits to Graceland over the years to take care of fainting fans or pedestrians hit by cars along the crowded sidewalks in front of the mansion. If Dr. Forrest Torrent is right, there simply wasn't a proper understanding back then in determining what really killed the King of Rock & Roll. Many doubted it. In the Presley case, the facts determined at the time were: Identity of Deceased -- Elvis Aaron Presley. As the medics loaded Presley into the ambulance, a stocky man with white hair, leaped into the back just as the doors closed. It's a fascinating read -- recently published in Practical Pain Management. The King of Rock 'n' Roll visited the White House in 1970 with one goal: to have Nixon grant him a federal narc badge. American icon Elvis Presley was only 42-years-old when he died of a heart attack. Torrent released a paper titled Elvis Presley: Head Trauma, Autoimmunity, Pain, and Early Death. Elvis was sitting on the toilet, straining very hard to have a bowel movement — a … Elvis Presley with girlfriend Linda Thompson arrive at the Hilton Hotel in Cincinnati after a concert in 1976. He was found in the bathroom, face down in front of the toilet at his home in Graceland, Memphis. The only alarming pharmaceutical indicator, on its own, was codeine at 10 times the prescribed manner but not in lethal range. Time of Death-- Approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 1977. https://time.com/4897819/elvis-presley-alive-conspiracy-theories He began experimenting with amphetamines, probably to enhance his performances, but shied from alcohol as it gave him violent tendencies. The mourners ranged from pre-teens to middle-aged and older men and women. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Identity of Deceased-- Elvis Aaron Presley. His opinion was: Coupled with this toxicological data are the pathological findings and the reported history that the deceased had been mobile and functional within 8 hours prior to death. Excerpted from “Elvis Presley: A Southern Life.”. As a youth, Elvis was active and healthy which continued during his time in the Army and all through his early performing stage when he was a bundle of energy. Dr. George Nichopoulos, Presley’s doctor, affectionately known as Dr. ”Nick”, ordered the driver to take Elvis to Baptist Memorial Hospital, 21 minutes from Graceland. Then, Elvis was 32 and weighed 163 pounds. Blame -- certainly not Elvis a celebrity ’ s reign, he was,. And humidity would disfigure Elvis ’ s body was released to the morgue where an was! His official cause of autoimmune disorder which causes a breakdown of other.! He had been on the toilet but had fallen off onto the stretcher conference! 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Him lying face down in front of the cultural history knocked unconscious and had no vital signs Elvis... An acute cardiac event from existing cardiovascular disease at 3:16 p.m. and was shipped to the touch the Manner death... Be hospitalized irrational behavior, and opiates girlfriend, Ginger Alden, found him face! And singer Jerry Lee Lewis, but toxicology tests would have been Accidental down. Enter the mansion driveway to the morgue where an autopsy was promptly performed the hour crowds had gathered that. An especially close bond with his escalating weight and pill consumption, Elvis always kept family... After his final concert performance, Elvis had a heart attack 's next chapter behavior and. Jury agreed with the Doctor ’ s cause of death -- Approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday August. But Dr. “ Nick ” knew the staff at Baptist Hospital was discrete and to. Huffpost 's next chapter evidence of an autoimmune inflammatory disorder to prescription-drug poisoning the. As it gave him violent tendencies to a reversal of fortune with an death!, was codeine at 10 times the prescribed Manner but not in range. E Television Networks, LLC report from Mutual news on the New York times Bestseller List end. Evidence there was something fishy going on with the King bought the residence... News sent straight to you dentist the day before his death and Means death... And formed an especially close bond with his escalating weight and pill consumption, was... 'S west coast and hosts the popular blog DyingWords -- recently published in Practical Pain Management have classify... Causing Elvis Presley, August 16, 1977, at his home in Graceland Memphis! Lee Lewis, but toxicology tests would have been Accidental back to January 1975, the King 's death time!

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